Refugees in bidi bidi decry lack of staple foods

Refugees receiving food ration at Bidibidi settlement camp recently.

Yumbe, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT | Refugees in Bidi Bidi Base camp in Yumbe district have decried lack of beans and peas to supplement their food. Currently, the World Food Program-WFP through Office of the Prime Minister gives Rice, Maize Grains and Sorghum due to shortage in supply of beans.

The refugees have received food ratio of only grains without beans and peas. According to some of the refugees, they have now resorted to selling the grains to buy beans while others have sold some of their household items to supplement their need for sauce to accompany their food.

Moses Wenger a refugee welfare council three officer Bidi Bidi says some of the refugees have gone as far as stealing beans from other homes inside the camp. He says while others have resorted to barter trade, the situation remains wanting as grains have flooded the market in the camps making it lose money value.  

Refugees note that their food ratio meant to last for a month now runs out before time leaving them to face hunger. 

Solomon Osakan the Refugees Desk officer Arua/West Nile said some of the grains are distributed with hope that the refugees can sell them to buy beans since WFP is experiencing a shortage in supply of beans. 

According to Osakan, the situation could be worse next year as there are plans to further reduce the food quantity by ten percent. He explains that each refugee will be entitled to 6.8 kilograms each month.

The refugees have been encouraged to grow vegetables in gardens allocated to them and are also given seeds to plant. 

Some of the refugees who have opted for money instead of food have also complained of the low value of the shilling currency which they say cannot buy enough of the food.



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